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Both parents dead, three meals uncertain, and her only property was this shabby house and a cute little big brother. Especially for the three children, they have been with them for the past two years. Sima Rui was silent. In the next few days, Han Mingqi was running to the palace every day, or it was the army drill. Transplanting The Grape Vines. Selling Tangerines. A certain young master charmingly smiled: This husband shall comply! Female Protagonist. Accepting Her Money Pouch. Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard. Multiple POV. Devoted Love Interests.

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Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You. Sima Rui sat back to the phoenix and looked at the river. He wants to let go of his words. Chapter 8. A certain young master charmingly smiled: This husband shall comply!


How about also set a kiddy engagement? A man with a Very Alluring Smile. Raised animals. Chapter 5. Whatever you want, you will take it away. The man was thin and had a mask on his face. Seeing the familiar back, he stood still and did not move. Sima Rui sat back to the phoenix and looked at the river. To have A Good Big Brother. Strong Love Interests. Developing The Mountain.

Read Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard RAW English Translation - MTL Novel

  • From the arms of Du Xiaoli, he reached the shoulder of Fulin, and licked his little face with his head.
  • How about also set a kiddy engagement?
  • She reached out and took Fu Lin to her lap and asked her to look at herself and said, "Lin, you are still young, it is the age at which you should play.
  • The phoenix touched his face, and some sad said: "Brother, is it really my home?
  • Chapter days ago.

Above the carriage, Fu Xi began to shout pain, and Han Mingqi was distressed to die, and quickly input her internal force to ease the pain. Waiting for the body does not hurt, the mother kissed Xier to play well? It is because the parents are not there, so as a brother, he will be precocious, so take care of his brother and sister. She reached out and took Fu Lin to her lap and asked her to look at herself and said, "Lin, you are still young, it is the age at which you should play. You don't have to suppress your thoughts, what are the responsibilities, what are you? Don't even think about it now, do you know? If you don't do bad things, don't harm others, you can do whatever you want. Fu Linyi looked at Du Xiaoli. Since he started to remember, the people around him kept instilling the concept of responsibility and identity. You are his child. You must be In this case, he listened too much, so he always stood by and watched Fuxi playing, worried that she was injured, and worried that her behavior did not meet the identity of Xiao Wangye. But today, his closest person, who brought him to the world, said to him, he is still young, it is time to play, he can not care about his identity, his responsibility, want to do What to do. She looked at her eyes so pampered, so serious. When I am as big as he is, it will already Can that be the same? Now my son is not growing up like you.

Teared her mask! Pampered consort of the fragrant orchard Consort of the Fragrant Orchard. Opening her eyes once again, the steady and calm her was still shocked senseless by her own withered little hands, and the leaking and windy rat infested surroundings before her eyes. Both parents dead, three meals uncertain, and her only property was this shabby house and a cute little big brother. What the hell is all this! Buying a mountain top, planting fruit trees, opening winery, fermenting fruit wine, and developing a supply chain. From then on, profits poured in from all sides, pampered consort of the fragrant orchard, bringing along big brother to lay down a family fortune and become rich! Making close friends, kidnapping a prince, fighting villains, a peasant daughter can also live calling the wind and rain, laughing in face of the world!

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Pampered consort of the fragrant orchard. #PAMPERED CONSORT OF THE FRAGRANT ORCHARD.

Description Chapters. Opening her eyes once again, the steady and calm her was still shocked senseless by her own withered little hands, and the leaking and windy rat infested surroundings before her eyes. Both parents dead, three meals uncertain, and her only property was this shabby house and a cute little big brother. What the hell is all this! Buying a mountain top, planting fruit trees, opening winery, fermenting fruit wine, and developing a supply chain. From then on, profits poured in from all sides, bringing along big brother to lay down a family fortune and become rich! Making close friends, pampered consort of the fragrant orchard, kidnapping a prince, fighting villains, a peasant daughter can also live calling the wind and rain, laughing in face of the world! This little guy looks pretty good, come plant a fruit tree for me then! How about also set a kiddy engagement? One separation, several years later, seeing this tall, rich, pampered consort of the fragrant orchard handsome emotionless prince tell her with an ice cold face that she and him were already engaged, and moreover have long sealed the deal with a kiss, letting her take responsibility.

Vol 4 Chapter 3: You are still a child

Two people rested on the big rock on the riverside, the woman was red in the fire, and her face was covered with a red veil. The man was thin and had a mask on his face. The fire phoenix opened the water cover and took a sip of water. Then he handed the water bladder to Sima Rui and asked: "Senior brother, how long will we be able to get home? The phoenix touched his face, and some sad said: "Brother, is it really my home?

Waiting for the body does not hurt, the mother kissed Xier to play well? She didn't know why she sang this song, and she didn't know why she sang behind and she was already bursting into tears.

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